Tfpro P1

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    Hello, i’m french so excuse me for my bad english, i have baught a tf pro P1 in green, it was identicaly at the joemeek VC1Q, it is the same electronic ? i have a problem with it, the sound was distored, i have put my oscilloscop in the line out and a générator in the line in, and the signal was cut in the négativ slope…have you got an idea of the problem ? Thank a lot for ours superbs electronics!

    Ted Fletcher

    This is probably a unit made at the time of the sale of the Joemeek name… I don’t recall it, but I expect the circuitry is the same as the VC1QCS. If there is serious distortion then I suspect that the problem is in the power supply…. it should read 15-0-15.
    If you continue to have problems with it, I can fix it for a payment of UK£25 plus the cost of returning it to you.

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