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    Hi Ted!

    I just purchased a SC3. It is lovely. I have an C2 and while it is very good, the SC3 is something else I must say.

    When I have it on the whole mix it adds some kind of depth that is hard to describe. The music just feels good.

    I use the transient knob on the sharpest setting and attack way high and fastest release. The needle is barely moving.

    What can you tell about this compressor.

    Best Regards

    Fredrik Berg, Sweden

    Ted Fletcher

    I designed the SC3 in March 1997, it’s actually identical to the SC2.2 in electronics except that it was designed to interface with the digital equipment of the time; some engineers wanted to use the digital in and out facility that it has. The digital circuitry was designed by my old friend Steve Dove using the best available ‘crystal’ chipset of the time. The SC3 has transformer inputs working in ‘current mode’ as my modern circuits do. It also has a particularly ‘hefty’ output stage, so it can operate perfectly in any environment.

    All these early optical compressors have tiny variations in the way they sound and I agree that the SC3 does have a happy gain structure that makes it impossible to sound bad!

    There were only about 30 of the SC3 made so they are quite rare….. hang on to it! ;)


    Hi Ted!

    Thanks for the detailed answer. I’m so glad I bought the SC3.

    Best Regards

    Fredrik Berg

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