A Question About Transformer Outputs

Home Forums Ask Ted A Question About Transformer Outputs

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    Hi Ted,

    I was wondering if you could answer a question I have about transformers on outputs, specifically about what happens when half the secondary winding gets shorted out by using an unbalanced TS cable (in the case of TRS sockets). I’ve seen it mentioned that this will damage the transformer, but I’m having a hard time working out exactly why this should be the case. Thanks.

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    • This topic was modified 11 months ago by tumbleweed.
    Ted Fletcher

    Sorry this has taken so long…. Have been tied up with new projects.
    Regarding using TS connector on a transformer output, if the transformer is wired correctly with the secondary wired between tip and ring, then ATS connection is perfectly OK and just as good as a balanced TRS connection. The problem that you imply is if the transformer has a grounded centre-tap. In that case then the output would be shorted out with a TS connection. That situation is unlikely as nowadays the secondary winding would not have a ground connection.


    Hi Ted, thanks for your very helpful reply.

    Just one more question if I may: in the case you mention where the output is shorted by the TS jack, where the centre tap is grounded, what would the damage to the transformer look like?

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    Ted Fletcher

    If the transformer has a grounded centre tap, when connected via an unbalanced jack half of the winding will be short circuited. The effect of this would be to put a load onto the other side of the transformer shorting out the audio. If it’s an output transformer this could damage the drive circuit, if it’s an input transformer there is not likely to be any damage, just won’t work!


    Thank you for elaborating, Ted. All the best.

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